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With our engineering team GessCon plans and realizes future orientated greenhouses to match the most challenging climatic conditions. Modern cooling and heating solutions ensure a stable production throughout the year to optimise the yields of our customers.


The latest technology in growth management allows the control of most stages of production through cross-linked systems in order to follow the production and proactively plan. 


Matching the growing requirements on the food market and becoming reliable partners is one of the key benefits. 






In order to ensure the best yields, the key factor of modern greenhouse food production becomes having homogenous conditions. In this way, it is possible to prolong the growing time to the top level.


While the heating systems have provided a stable climate during winter for a long time, it is the cooling methods that challenge growers and greenhouse manufacturers around the planet. The challenge is to cool the temperature during the summer through economical solutions that use the high irradiation, but without stress for plants and people.


Next to huge energy consuming air conditioners with also high acquisition costs and traditional pad & fan systems that lower the greenhouse dimensions to inefficient scales – we concentrate on modern and efficient cooling systems.


GESSCON’s Climate Control System – ClimaCon


Separate chambers next to the greenhouse, equipped with evaporative cooling panels, cool the hot air intake. High-efficiency fans spread the air through the air hose to create a uniform climate throughout the greenhouse.



Today multi-span greenhouses of the Venlo type represent the high-quality standard. High earnings in the industry go hand in hand with longevity.
The adjustable windows on the roof and the horizontal screening make it possible to control the climate in order to react quickly to even rapidly changing weather conditions.
The question, if the roof and the side walls should be made of glass or plastic, depends on various factors such as climate, budget, type of cultivated plants etc. Glass is more stable and enduring than plastic. However, glass has a higher purchase price and higher transportation costs.
Complex heating and cooling systems make an expansion of the growing regions possible, so that even in very hot or cold climates, vegetables, fruits or plants can be cultivated.
Since greenhouses represent a closed cycle, their efficiency and thus their exploitation of resources is unprecedented. The reprocessing of water is a key factor in the irrigation of moisture- intensive crops. Through reprocessing, watering tomatoes in a greenhouse can save up to 80 % compared with conventional cultivation. 




If space is a limited resource, plant levels for vertical cultivation are arranged on top of each other – called vertical farming or city farming. 
In the past few years, the necessary LED technology has been developed to such an extent that the cultivation in indoor environments – even without sunlight – is made possible. The earnings are in no way inferior to those of conventional crops.
Especially for fast growing metropolises, this cultivation technique is prospectively of high interest.
If a production close to, or immediately in the cities, is made possible, long supply chains can be eliminated. So far, unused space can be used underground.





40211 Düsseldorf, Germany


HBR 84441

VAT-ID  DE310781097





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